Please see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use for detailed information.
Purpose & Mission
Laid Out is a mental health focused, free, open source web app with minimalistic utilities to help you help yourself.

Our main tool is Anxiety. Through laying out worries, filtering them by whether they can be controlled, and accepting the uncontrollable to be left with only the actionable, the tool aims to help lift some of the mental fog off of your mind.
There are many ways to contribute:
  • A pixel pet: Create a few animations of a pixel pet and submit the sprite sheets to our GitHub repo via an issue labeled "new pixel pet" or simply email it to
  • Pitch in an idea for a tool: Open an issue labeled "enhancement" on our GitHub repo or simply email it to
  • Report a bug: Open an issue labeled "bug" on our GitHub repo or simply email it to
  • Fix an issue: This can be done by fixing an existing issue on our GitHub repo and opening a pull request for it.
  • You can also just submit some feedback regarding anything to
Contact us at
Laid Out will always be free and without ads.